Contributors to the Kiva iPhone App

Read more about this project on the Build.Kiva Blog

We started this project during Startup Weekend San Francisco and are now looking for other interested parties to help contribute. Here's more about us:

Nilesh (Co-creator/Launch Engineer) is a developer bad-ass who hails from the small island of Mauritius. He's obsessed with taking photos of food, attending any and every crazy event in San Francisco, and traveling the world while programming.

Jon (Co-creator/Lead Engineer) is an iPhone app obsessed programmer who hails from Florida but now is happy living on Treasure Island. He loves coding, his dog Dixie, watching Lost, and social gaming.

Laura (Co-creator/Product Manager) is a Bay Area local who is interested in new technology, micro-finance, and surfing. By day she's a Product Marketer at Mozilla.

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